It’s such an easy question to ask: “Who’s your ideal client?” And I have found, it’s not such an easy answer for many female entrepreneurs. It can be so challenging to answer!
Not all client are created equal. It requires you do a little research to identify who is the right client for you. If you are lucky, they’ll find you. Being a little more realistic and responsible, you have to actively seek them out and ensure you can clearly:
* identify the problem they have that you can solve, and
* sell them on your solution.
Now, before you determine your ideal client you must take a look at all possible clients in the broader niche you are in.
Some prospective clients will be too expensive to serve. Some will be too expensive to sell. Some will never be satisfied and others will be ideal clients for you.
So what will an ideal client look like? Look at this list below. Your ideal client should have at least one of the following as a factor to qualify:
- They find your product/service offering to be valuable.
- You offer a solution to at least one of their important problems.
- You create opportunities for them.
- Purchasing from you is a good investment for them.
Based on the above list, what group of clients come to mind for you right now. Write that down. Then test your theory. Place yourself in a position to be around them, learn about them and listen to them, so you understand them even better.
Without knowing what they want and where to find them, your business will be stalled. Without them your marketing strategy will fall flat. Without them your vision of success will be fleeting, you will be frustrated and you will burn out.
To sell well you must know your target market. Know what they want and what they need. If you don’t know, or you aren’t sure, find out.
Finally, Have your mission and vision clearly outlined and your ideal client is congruent with your purpose. Ensure who you serve holds significance for you and the work is something you are passionate about and have a drive to be the best in your field. It needs to be profitable and sustainable.